Saturday, March 17, 2018

Students Walk Out to protest gun violence

In light of the recent school shooting in Florida and no strides being made on gun reform, students across the country walked out of school on Wednesday in protest. 

Aware of the consequences, students walked out at 10 am local time and stayed out of class for 17 minutes in honor of the 17 deaths. 

Many GOP lawmakers, including Florida Senator Marco Rubio, have come under fire for accepting campaign donations from the powerful National Rifle Association. The interest group regularly supports GOP candidates due to their stance on gun issues. 

Fed up with lawmakers taking money, many students who survived the massacre went to Tallahassee to take their issue directly to state lawmakers. What would happen is disappointing. The bill, which would essentially ban anyone with severe mental health issues from purchasing assault weapons was vetoed by GOP governor Rick Scott. 

Students even went to Washington and participated in a listening session with Donald Trump. While many were disappointed, strides have been made. Trump has promised to sign a bill to pour millions of dollars into mental health funding. 

As long as the GOP controls the Senate and Congress, gun control will remain on the back burner. 

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